Fees :-

a) Students of the Junior College can apply for economically backward class freeship if the total income of their parent/guardian does not exceed Rs. 15,000/- during the previous year.

b) The fees are to be paid in advance before the 15th of July for the First Term and before the 15th of December for the Second Term otherwise penality will be enforced for late fees payment.

c) Those who fail to pay their fees by the due date may not be admitted to class and examination until the fees are paid.

d) Reduction in fees may be granted in special cases to poor and deserving students for one year only but will be disallowed if the student proves unsatisfactory in conduct, application and attendance. Fees for June, however, are to be paid in full.

e) Application for reduction in Fees must be made before 30th June on the prescribed form, which can be obtained on payment one form is sufficient for all brothers. All forms must be returned with all the particulars, completely filled in by the due date.

f) Backward Class pupils or Other Backward Class pupils claiming free-ship must obtain the requisite form and submit it with Caste Certificate by 24th June. They should, however, initially pay the fees due until their claim is admitted, when the fees paid will be refunded.

g) Fees are to be paid at the times given on page 1.

h) Fees will not be accepted during the days of examination.

i) Fees of students of Standard X and XII must be paid in full upto the end of May before submission of forms of application to the S.S.C. /H. S. C. Exam. 

j) Drafts should be drawn in favour of Dr. Antonio da Silva Trust. Cheques will not be accepted.